Monday, December 31, 2012

BECAUSE...2012 has gone like the wind. Like a fast wind. Pshooooo

It has been one of the most challenging and rewarding years - you've been good to me and you will be sorely missed

In 2012 I...
-Finished all parts of the CPA exam
my last, my retake
the day i took it
-Got a new roommate
-Stopped borrowing money and started paying it off. #dieNYUdie
-Bought my first big screen TV. Bought my first TV period
-Took up snowboarding
- Said yes to this guy
-Went to the world discipleship summit in San Antonio, TX and spent a weekend with 18,000+ disciples
-Transitioned and embraced a new ministry at church
-Took a wine tasting class

-Developed a caffeine addiction that I've yet to shake but am toying with the idea of seeking some professional help
-Redecorated my east village studio
-Racked up some major frequent flyer miles and free nights at the Marriott
-Bought my first real Christmas tree and determined to continue this tradition forward in every home I will own

But there were also a few tearful goodbyes in 2012:
-My cherry red Miu Miu wallet and everything that was in it (so traumatizing)
-My long long long hair (it's growing back one day, one centimetre at a time)
-Our beta fish, Bathsheba, more affectionally known as Baba
-Many many pairs of shoes, see *shop my closet*
-The girl I owe everything roommate from Junior year, the girl who introduced me to Jesus, studied the bible with me and put me in the water on May. 11, 2010, moved to Spain to be with her fiance *eye rolling* kidding. I couldn't be more thrilled for you. Alan is a LUCKY man. 

In 2013 I hope to...
-Fly to another state/country to go snowboarding
-Learn to use my SLR that I bought two years ago as a graduation gift to myself. The dial's never left "auto"
-Stop letting things go bad in my fridge before I get to it. Almond milk and peaches you are TRICKY! I've got the ripening avocados w/out spoiling them down to a science though in case you were wondering
-Learn more about wine. I hear Spanish wine is up and coming.
-Baptize someone
-Finish reading the Bible from start to finish
-Learn to budget, Linda does-puts me to shame.

Thank you 2012, you were good to me for so many reasons...

2013, let's do it!

From us to you with all our love,
two best friends ringing in another new year in our beloved city

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