engagements! is that kind of embarrassing? admitting in on the internet certainly is. but it is. I saw 2 of my friends married in 2012, attended 3 other weddings with Mike since we started dating, and have had about a dozen engagements come up on my newsfeed in the last 3 months alone. no exaggeration. so can you blame me?
this came up on my googlereader and i just had to
share. I know I take this for granted...this meaning all the planning that goes into the surprise. I certainly wasn't expecting Mike to ask me to be his girlfriend the day he did or the way he did (see post about the day i wore my nyu tshirt), but it's certainly impressed a bunch of girlfriends from work. Thank you brothers for doing all that you do for us. We are so blessed.
In other news, still no final move date yet....if I announce leaving NYC a week before I fly, please don't hate me. Work isn't being as cooperative or decisive as I'd like... hoping people have a freed up Feb...I might need to get squeezed in last minute before a very hurried departure. and for a lack of a better up-date, here's life lately:
hotel for tax exp asso training in DC |
dinner at the museum |
date box from Mike |
last day activity-I had to run to the table and take a picture of it(I was sitting at the TX/PA table) |
bday present from mike. |
max brenner. Mike thinks it'd do well in LA, too bad ya'll don't have one. only the best in NYC, just say'n
From us to you with all our love, Lucy in VA for work and dying to be blogging from LA soon... |
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