Tuesday, September 11, 2012

BECAUSE 11 years ago..."it happened to New York"

I remember exactly where I was 9/11 morning. I think everyone who was old enough to hold a memory does. There was a special on TV last night and after 20 some minutes, I was starring at the screen-weeping. I'm spending this 9/11 out of town but in the cab ride home last Friday from LGA, I saw the two light beams shooting into the night sky from downtown Manhattan. My heart jumped a beat and a rock was caught in my throat. My nose started to tingle and then my eyes got a little wet.
photo crd: New York's Sixth

I'm so proud and honored to be called a New Yorker. New York is more home to me than any place I've ever known. I made Jesus Lord here, I met my best friends here. I graduated college here, and I started my first big-girl career here. I've grown into the woman that I am in this city. I owe you so much.
I woke up this morning feeling sick to my stomach. Every year today I feel sick to my stomach. I'm finding it very hard to concentrate at work today....

My prayers go out to all the families who lost friends and loved ones. My prayers go out to the city in mourning today. I pray for peace and comfort. I pray for forgiveness and everything else we haven't the strength to muster on our own.

"Now God be praised, that to believing souls gives light in darkness" -William Shakespeare

Phil. 4:7 "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - The Bible

God bless America. God bless my beloved New York.

from us to you with all our love,
two best friends and a quieted NYC

What a NY mom wants her daughters to know about 9/11

"There was nothing more horrific than what happened that day, but there was also a determination and understanding among New Yorkers that we were in this together. As much as it happened to America -- as much as politicians still try to use it for their own purposes -- it truly happened to New York......

And I want my daughters to know they should be proud to be New Yorkers, but not take for granted this amazing city full of different cultures, languages, food, energy and opinions. I know I never will."

I've given up trying to work...I can't think even think straight....we've not forgotten. We won't forget. But we will forgive as God forgave us. NY, I wish I was home.

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